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Why should you choose us for your Environmental Consulting Service? We are pleased to provide consultancy to you with our work focused on service, trust and sustainable environment, not financial gain, in all problems you may experience in environmental issues.

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Petrol Rafinerisi

Environmental Management Hour Services

It is one of our environmental consultancy processes to carry out the necessary environmental permit and license processes for the enterprises that provide Environmental Consultancy Services within the scope of Environmental Permit and License Regulation. In accordance with the Regulation on Environmental Management Services published in the Official Gazette dated 01/11/2022 and numbered 32000, Environmental Consultancy fees are linked to the minimum price tariff.

Within the scope of EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment), Project Introduction File and EIA Report are prepared and followed up and finalized by applying to the relevant authorities.

Within the scope of the Waste Management Service, the monitoring, temporary storage, removal, recycling or disposal of all wastes from the facility in accordance with the provisions of the relevant regulation are managed by our staff.

With Sustainable Tourism, local purchasing, integrating cultural heritage into daily life, energy saving, etc. situations are targeted. With our expert staff, we guide you in your obligations within the scope of Sustainability Consulting and prepare the necessary information-documents.

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